Rob Lewis

Robert Lewis calls the upper Delaware River system in upstate New York his stomping grounds. Robb is a full time guide and has spent most of his life fly-fishing the fabled waters of the Catskills Mountains and the croton tail water system. He has traveled and chased trout from Montana, Idaho, Utah and all points in between. As a contracted fly designer for the Pacific Fly Group, Robert has designed some of the most realistically looking fly known on the market along with a full line of hyper-realistic materials to tie them. Robert has been a member of the Scott fly rod pro staff for over 10 years along with regal vices, and has been featured in numerous books as well as fly tyer magazine and American Angler magazine. Whether you call him “The Ted Nugget” of fly tying, or just a “pair of pants away from a caveman,” his uncanny ability to fool the most selective trout on one of the most technical waters in the country cannot be overlooked! We recommend you spend a few days floating with Rob as his extensive knowledge of the river, the insects, and the eco-system will easily cut the learning curve by years!