Pakito Iglesias

My name is Francisco, a fishing enthusiast from the north of Spain.
I have been fishing since I was a child when I was fishing with my father. When I was 17 years old my beginnings in fly fishing started. My great passion is trout fishing, and every time I like to look more and more for those big trout that we have in our rivers which I dedicate almost every fishing trip, due to the location where I live (Castilla y Leon). I have the privilege of having many trout rivers nearby and thus I am able to enjoy many days of fishing. I like to fish dry fly mostly, but I also like to fish with the technique Spain nymph. Fly fishing has become my way of living, spending my spare time in the river and surrounded by nature makes me forget everyday life and I just want to enjoy the moment. Being able to travel abroad in search of trout is something that I also enjoy whenever I can and it is a fantastic experience.
Another of my passions related to fly fishing is fly tying and whenever I have time I like to do some fly tying meeting in which we all always learn something new and share our experience. I would like to thank the Hatch team for this opportunity to feel part of the team.