Justin Miller

I’m originally from Oakland California and then graduated from Chico State in 2004. I found steelhead fishing while in college and was obsessed with hunting them by the time I got out of school. I was hired by The Fly Shop in 2004 and started guiding the Trinity River in Northern Cali in 2006, exclusively swinging 2 handers for steelhead. Two years later I got recruited to guide over in Kamchatka, Russia, fishing mouse flies for big wild rainbows all summer, and running the Kamchatka Steelhead Project in the Fall. I had been over there for 12 seasons straight, until the 'Rona locked us out in 2020! I got pulled into the Travel Department of The Fly Shop in 2014 and now represent destinations all over the planet, organizing trips for travelling anglers. My specialty is still the swing destinations of the world, Kamchatka and BC for steelhead, the Russian Kola for Atlantic Salmon, AK for Chinook and TDF for sea run browns... but I also spend a lot more time now fishing saltwater flats, jungle rivers and any other place I can get big wild fish to chase a fly!