John Mauser

John Mauser is a native of Coastal North Carolina and has spent his life chasing the fish that live there. Whether it’s a Bluegill or a Tarpon, the pursuit of fish, and the challenge of fooling them into eating a fly drives John to keep after them. Throughout the year, you might find Mauser drifting a coastal river for Shad and Striped Bass, poling the inshore flats for tailing Redfish, cruising the beach fronts for blitzing Albacore, or dredging the offshore wrecks for bruiser Amberjack. If it swims, and might possibly eat a fly, it’s on John’s radar.
With fish on the brain, John graduated from UNC Wilmington with a Marine Biology Degree and began working for the North Carolina Aquariums. That career led John to Swansboro, North Carolina, which has been his home since 2004. The area around John’s hometown is known as the Crystal Coast, an 85-mile stretch of pristine barrier islands, saltmarshes, rivers, and creeks. Life on the Crystal Coast accelerated John’s infatuation with sight fishing and led him to make the move from marine biologist to fishing guide, starting Tailing Tide Guide Service in 2012. John runs both an 18ft poling skiff and a 23ft center console to cover all the fly fishing opportunities available around him. Variety is the spice of life, and if you ask John, the hard part is deciding what species to chase that day.
Mauser loves the idea of building a life based around fishing and has worked towards that goal since moving to the Crystal Coast. In 2013 John helped establish a local Project Healing Waters Program, which rehabilitates disabled military veterans through fly tying and fly fishing activities. In 2014, John helped form the Cape Lookout Albacore Festival, a charity fly fishing event, and served as a board member for the first five years. In 2017 John took on his biggest task yet, launching Mauser Fly Fishing, a local manufacturer of USA made fly rods. In 2019, John worked with a few other local fly fishing guides and formed the Carolina Fly Fishing Academy, offering weekend saltwater fly fishing schools. Finally in 2022, Mauser launched True Tails Fishing Podcast, where he discusses life lessons from the water, tips on becoming better anglers, and the joy of experiencing the outdoors with good friends.
John loves providing his anglers with a fun day on the water and long-lasting memories of their trip. He always gives his 100% to make sure they have a great time, learn something new, and get to experience the beauty of Coastal North Carolina. Mauser is excited to partner with Hatch to help further his mission of giving anglers an unforgettable experience on the water.
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