Casey Birkholz

Casey Birkholz Hatch Outdoors Pro Staff

Pro Staff

Casey Birkholz


As a young kid growing up in Wyoming. I had access to some of the best creeks you could imagine. Fishing quickly became an obsession at an early age. My freshman year of high school I received the devastating news that we were moving to Idaho. But as fate would have it, we moved to a small town that was only 45 minutes from the fabled Henry’s Fork. I would borrow/steal my mother’s 1978 wood paneled station wagon and drive over as much as I could, to get my rear end spanked by that river. Over time though I started to figure it out and became infatuated with its mystique and tricky little secrets. It was here that my addiction came full force, and I couldn’t get enough.

My obsession and passion has turned into a career for me. I started my guiding career while in college in 1999. And have been lucky enough to guide some of the greatest waters the west has to offer (Henry’s Fork, South Fork of the Snake, and Teton Rivers). Currently I teach high school in Utah and guide in the summers for World Cast Anglers. Guiding and fly fishing has introduced me to some of the greatest people I know, and shown me to some of the coolest places on the planet. Besides my love for trout, The “Salt” is always on mind. And living so close to some amazing warm water fishing in Utah I spend a little too much time chasing Tiger Musky, Smallmouth, and Carp.

I am true believer that if you are looking for that potential fish of a lifetime. The most important piece of equipment that gives you the best chance of bringing that fish to your hand is your reel. I fish Hatch Reels for that reason only.